在庞大的LC城迷失了自己的方向么?两种解决办法:一,买一本纽约地图;二,用Google Map.不过这里的GoogleMap就不再Google纽约了,而是实实在在的LibertyCity.不信,你去看看:
The Majestic 逃脱之王?
这是一部被该网站编辑强烈推荐的巨作.视频包括了很多刺激的射击追逐镜头.视频完全展示了GTA4的高自由度和电影感觉,但游戏发布后的一些Bug和问题依然存在.作者Brandon Smith是个大学三年级学生,他可能不短时间离开GTA4电影制作,因为手头比较紧...不管怎样,看看视频先!
GTA4 Patch 1.02 Released Today?
News from gtaforums.com
* Graphics Menu:
o Added "Water Quality", "Shadow Quality" and "Reflection Resolution" sliders in graphics menu.
o Added "Definition" and "VSync" toggles in graphics menu.
* Rendering optimizations.
* VSync optimizations.
* Nvidia 7000 series
o Mirrors fixed
* Direct input device support is now disabled by default and can only be enabled with the commandline: "-usedirectinput"
* Supported Controllers:
o Logitech Dual Action
o Logitech RumblePad 2
o Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2
o Saitek P2500
* Supported Wheels:
* Note: Controls are unmapped, user must map controls using Manufacturer's mapping software.
o Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
o Logitech Wingman Formula GP Wheel
o Logitech MOMO Racing
o MOMO Force
o Driving Force Pro
o Driving Force
o Formula Force
* Added Commandline "-notimefix" which will help some users who are experiencing the fast/slow gameplay issue after patch 1 was applied.
* Fixed a bug that caused some users to experience endless looping audio effects after Patch 1 was applied.
* Benchmark was disabling sounds after Patch 1 was applied, this is now fixed.
* Unable to load game fixed - For some users, a DOS window would open and close immediately upon Game Launch, GTA IV would never launch.
* Hang on Initial Game Loading Screen fixed - Some users experienced Character Art Loading screens in an endless loop.
* Certain causes of the RESC10 error have been fixed (Alt-Tab, change resolution). If you experience an RESC10 error, you must restart.
* Certain Instances of the "GRAND THEFT AUTO IV has encountered a problem and needs to close" error have been fixed.
* Naming clips is now mandatory on Export .
* Legitimate players being kicked from Multiplayer matches has been fixed.
* Wireless 360 controllers not functioning - Triggers were full on/off, fixed.
* In the Options menu accessed from the Title Screen a �Game� section has been added with the ability to turn Clip capture on/off.
Key Code Constants
Key Code Constants
按键 代码值 描述
Key Codes(综合功能键)
vbKeyLButton 1 Left mouse button
vbKeyRButton 2 Right mouse button
vbKeyCancel 3 CANCEL key
vbKeyMButton 4 Middle mouse button
vbKeyBack 8 BACKSPACE key
vbKeyTab 9 TAB key
vbKeyClear 12 CLEAR key
vbKeyReturn 13 ENTER key
vbKeyShift 16 SHIFT key
vbKeyControl 17 CTRL key
vbKeyMenu 18 MENU key
vbKeyPause 19 PAUSE key
vbKeyCapital 20 CAPS LOCK key
vbKeyEscape 27 ESC key
vbKeySpace 32 SPACEBAR key
vbKeyPageUp 33 PAGE UP key
vbKeyPageDown 34 PAGE DOWN key
vbKeyEnd 35 END key
vbKeyHome 36 HOME key
vbKeyLeft 37 LEFT ARROW key
vbKeyUp 38 UP ARROW key
vbKeyRight 39 RIGHT ARROW key
vbKeyDown 40 DOWN ARROW key
vbKeySelect 41 SELECT key
vbKeyPrint 42 PRINT SCREEN key
vbKeyExecute 43 EXECUTE key
vbKeySnapshot 44 SNAPSHOT key
vbKeyInsert 45 INS key
vbKeyDelete 46 DEL key
vbKeyHelp 47 HELP key
vbKeyNumlock 144 NUM LOCK key
KeyA Through KeyZ(字母区按键)
vbKeyA 65 A key
vbKeyB 66 B key
vbKeyC 67 C key
vbKeyD 68 D key
vbKeyE 69 E key
vbKeyF 70 F key
vbKeyG 71 G key
vbKeyH 72 H key
vbKeyI 73 I key
vbKeyJ 74 J key
vbKeyK 75 K key
vbKeyL 76 L key
vbKeyM 77 M key
vbKeyN 78 N key
vbKeyO 79 O key
vbKeyP 80 P key
vbKeyQ 81 Q key
vbKeyR 82 R key
vbKeyS 83 S key
vbKeyT 84 T key
vbKeyU 85 U key
vbKeyV 86 V key
vbKeyW 87 W key
vbKeyX 88 X key
vbKeyY 89 Y key
vbKeyZ 90 Z key
Key0 Through Key9(键盘区数字键)
vbKey0 48 0 key
vbKey1 49 1 key
vbKey2 50 2 key
vbKey3 51 3 key
vbKey4 52 4 key
vbKey5 53 5 key
vbKey6 54 6 key
vbKey7 55 7 key
vbKey8 56 8 key
vbKey9 57 9 key
Keys on the Numeric Keypad(小键盘区数字键)
vbKeyNumpad0 96 0 key
vbKeyNumpad1 97 1 key
vbKeyNumpad2 98 2 key
vbKeyNumpad3 99 3 key
vbKeyNumpad4 100 4 key
vbKeyNumpad5 101 5 key
vbKeyNumpad6 102 6 key
vbKeyNumpad7 103 7 key
vbKeyNumpad8 104 8 key
vbKeyNumpad9 105 9 key
vbKeyMultiply 106 MULTIPLICATION SIGN (*) key
vbKeyAdd 107 PLUS SIGN (+) key
vbKeySeparator 108 ENTER (keypad) key
vbKeySubtract 109 MINUS SIGN (-) key
vbKeyDecimal 110 DECIMAL POINT(.) key
vbKeyDivide 111 DIVISION SIGN (/) key
Function Keys(功能键F1~F12)
vbKeyF1 112 F1 key
vbKeyF2 113 F2 key
vbKeyF3 114 F3 key
vbKeyF4 115 F4 key
vbKeyF5 116 F5 key
vbKeyF6 117 F6 key
vbKeyF7 118 F7 key
vbKeyF8 119 F8 key
vbKeyF9 120 F9 key
vbKeyF10 121 F10 key
vbKeyF11 122 F11 key
vbKeyF12 123 F12 key
vbKeyF13 124 F13 key
vbKeyF14 125 F14 key
vbKeyF15 126 F15 key
vbKeyF16 127 F16 key
This is how looks and works perfection!
This is how looks and works perfection!
by RON123
As you can know, I am "RON123" for you, have always wanted to play perfectly GTA IV -the most difficult PC game to run on your computer.
Few days ago I found the last twick that will boost PFS for me, the one that will give me the best GTA IV experience that I have ever had.
Not only that I probably can play better then you and 99% of gamers, I am also getting one of the best quality frames in the world.
First of all the results: I able to play a very smooth gameplay in the next settings:
1920x1200 res, max settings gameplay.
GTA requirements:
First I must explain what high edge hardware GTA IV requires.
This is the only game in the market that
requires any 3-4 cores normal CPU and in addition high amount of VRAM.
As a result, one of the above is a common "bottleneck", It means that upgrading your rig without solving the bottleneck won't really improve performane.
I for example, OC my q6600 to 3.00 GHZ (while using the stock cooler) and did'nt get big improvement, and in addition OC my GPU:
core speed 600 to 642
Shader clock 1500 to 1605
memory clock 900 to 1070
Note: numbers in MHZ, OC while using the stock cooler
This upgrades won't change much for me, because my bottleneck in max settings is the 512 VRAM MB.
The normal framerate (not my) depends mostly on the CPU speed.
However, the quality of the frames depends mostly on amount of VRAM, as textures quality and resolution go up then VRAM requirement will increase either. .
Bad CPU will cause low framerate and shortage of VRAM will cause all the known bugs and poor image quality (all bugs can be solved).
There are many performace mods that cost game quality for increasing the framerate, I choose not to use them, because I want to play perfectly as Rockstar originally intended.
Now I will post all the useful twicks that won't harm the quality of the frames:
First, the common twicks:
1. Use windows XP/7 ,-Vista is killing the framerate (some 25%-50% in average).
2. Close all running programs, including GTAbrowser.exe and RGSC.exe (social club, if you use it).
3. Download the last driver and patch.
4. Give to GTAIV.exe high priority in task manager
5. Switch off the capture movie option (in game's menu).
6. Clean all the unnecessary services, can be done in two ways:
A. use msconfig: press "start", then "run", type their "msconfig", in "genetal" press "selective startup" uncheck first second and fourth marks, then look in this window for "services", press it, than mark "hide all microsoft services", after it press "Disable all", then press apply and restart windows in a clean mod, you will see that most of your games will run better, in the new mod don't enter the Internet and other programs (only games), from "msconfig" you can choose "Normal startup" for going beck to all of your programs (will restart windows).
B. Download AlacrityPC program (link ), which allow you do save a clean profile and load it before lunching the game without restarting Windows (my favorite).
Second,the less common twicks:
7. use Xliveless mod (link) just to get rit of social club and windows live, it won't change performance.
8. I using the RMClock to lock the throttle of the CPU while in game, it seems that gta iv doesn't know to do it itself like any other game.(link)
9. To improve the overall frames quality it better to force AA (I did it from Nvidia's control penal). Do it only if you got some 30 frame in gameplay, because it uses resources and will harm the framerate(the improvement is really nice but not like an original AA)
10. Now I will explain how to use the commandline, the most importent twicks for best performances:
"-norestrictions": will allow the game to use max settings but wont boost performance.
"-novblank": Won't limit your framerate and will allow it to go as high as it can, very useful.
"-availablevidmem x.xx": this command will solve magically all the bugs (missing textures/ slow loading textures/ flickering shadows and more) and can improve any quality of frames. Use it only if you has really bad quality (otherwise ignore it). This twick uses your RAM in addition to your VRAM, as a result it costs in a lower framerate, as more RAM you use then the drop in framerame will be bigger. You don't need to use a lot of VRAM just 200MB-300MB of extra RAM will solve all the missing textures and 50MB-80MB of ram will solve all the little bugs like flickering objects. x.xx is a multiplier of your RAM. For example 2.00 will make 500MB VRAM to "500MB VRAM" + "500MB RAM" = "1000MB totul memory" usage.
"-percentvidmem xxx": I thought that this command is useless, but I found out few days a ago, that this commande is just want I needed for perfect framerate, you must use it while using "-availablevidmem x.xx" in order to get 100% of your VRAM usage, which will boost extremly the framerate for users of ""-availablevidmem x.xx". Set xxx to 100.
11. This is a optional twick, it will change the way your rig uses memory, it should improve the min framerate but will cost in a lower max framerate,I advice to just try it for a 15-20 fps gameplay. Change this: "Open regedit (from "run") and go to hkey local machine/system/current control set/control/session manager/memory management and change disablepagingexecutive and largesystemcache to 1". -you can test it and change it back to 0 like it was before.
My experience:
The q6600 2.4 GHZ will give 35-50 frames in any settings, 512MB of VRAM is too low for even 1680x1050 high textures gameplay, the result is many bugs including the missing textures,a 1920x1200 max settings gameplay requires 750MB of memory in order to be free of even small bugs, I set "-availablevidmem 1.5" for usage of 749MB, my framerate drops to 28-32 while driving in an OC Q6600 to 3.00, This OC gave me just extra 3-4 FPS. this is my full commandline: "-norestrictions -novblank -percentvidmem 100 -availablevidmem 1.5".
It's very hard to test the unstable framerate of this game, I advice to test with fraps (benchmark won't give real results) while normaly driving the town in daylight.
here is a gameplay (20-25 fps) in max settings + AA, I used the stock speeds of my CPU and GPU (no overclockig), Fraps takes some 4-5 frames from game, so add them (in your mind).(I used all the twicks above without number 11) -max settings +forced AA Gameplay in youtube
I hope I really helped to most of you, and if you already knew it all, so this guide is for an average gamer.
Note: I ready to prove all I sayed above, and I will post extra staff in this thread later.
edit :
I said in the post, that this is not a real/original AA, GTA won't support it. forcing AA from nvidia, even a high AA of 8xQ is not the real thing, it is just looks a little better, the camera moves smoother, it is not a big change, just the overall is better, I will try to capture it and post, I dont have an HD camera.
I looked pixel by pixel and this is not a real AA, I shound't even use this word.
it looks like it is filtering better when this option is on, the colours looks sharper.
I just should say better image quality and that is it.
Grand Theft Auto IV TweakGuide
written by Ettans @ iv-scripting.pri.ee
Update: New information in Part 2 concerning FarClp @ 3500.00
Part 1: Patching the files
First thing you should do, is download the GTA IV Magic Patcher by aru, in order to edit the files. Now, once you've downloaded and extracted it, open it and you'll see this:
If you haven't already patched your files, click on Validate Files, once done, click on Apply Patch. Now you can edit your GTA IV files and you'll also have backups of every file, with .magic as their file extension. You can revert the files anytime, by clicking on Verify and then Recover. You can now close the program.
Part 2: Changing the view-distance
That was quite easy, wasn't it? Browse to your Grand Theft Auto IV\pc\data folder and open the file named timecyc.dat. I suggest you use Notepad++ for the editing, since it'll look very messy in the default Notepad. Once you have the file open, look for the fiel called "FarClp", this controls the distance from which buildings, trees etc. are drawn at. The smaller the value, the shorter the view-distance. The default value is 1500.00, which is very big and quite pointless. To change the view-distance, simply change the value to a smaller one, I use 500.00 personally. If you're either too lazy to change it or whatever your reason is, I've attached the edited file at the bottom of this thread.
Comparison screenshots:
FarClp: 3500.00
Note: This gave me about +5-8 FPS, I suggest you try it out. I'm not entirely sure, but I think this has got something to do with PreFetch.
FarClp: 1500.00 (Default value)
FarClp: 750.00
FarClp: 500.00
In-game settings used:
Note: All screenshots were taken at the same place, time and weather, on-top of the GetALife building.
Download timecyc.dat (FarClp 3500.00)
Download timecyc.dat (FarClp 750.00)
Download timecyc.dat (FarClp 500.00)
Note: Extract it using WinRar or any similar program and place the file in your Grand Theft Auto IV\pc\data folder.
Part 3: Disabling shadows
Disabling the shadows doesn't have any significant impact on the games performance, but it might be useful for you if you're really struggling with the FPS. In order to disable the shadows, you should first download Alice by Alexander Blade. Extract the file and place the Alice folder in your main Grand Theft Auto IV folder. To disable the shadows, you can either make the script yourself, or download the one I made, using Alexander Blade's example script(s). To re-enable the shadows, simply delete the disable_shadows.lua in your Grand Theft Auto IV\Alice folder.
Shadows: Enabled
Shadows: Disabled
Note: All screenshots were taken at the same place, time and weather.
Download disable_shadows.zip
Part 4: Lowering bloom intensity
Currently there's no way to completely disable the bloom in Grand Theft Auto IV, but you can lower it's intensity. To do this, browse to your Grand Theft Auto IV\common\data folder and open the file called visualSettings.dat. Open the file and find the following names:
Simply change their values to 0.00. If you don't want to edit the values yourself, download the visualSettings.rar at the bottom of this part and extract it to your Grand Theft Auto IV\common\data folder.
Bloom intensity: Default
Bloom Intensity: 0.00/Disabled
Note: All screenshots were taken at the same place, time and weather.
Download visualsettings.zip
Part 5 (Optional): Lowering the amount of rain particles
A lot of people are having trouble playing Grand Theft Auto IV with it's rainy weather, this is caused by the amount of it's particles (mostly). I can't guarantee that this will give you any performance boost, but It did make my gameplay smoother. To change the amount of rain particles, browse to your Grand Theft Auto IV\common\data folder and open the file called visualsettings.dat. Find the following fields there:
Here are the values I use myself:
rain.NumberParticles.ps3 256
rain.NumberParticles 1024
So, that concludes my Grand Theft Auto IV TweakGuide. Thanks a lot for reading, hopefully this tweak will help some people. If you want to post this on your forums/website, please don't copy & paste, but put a link to this thread.
aru (Making the GTA IV Magic Patcher)
Anders (Telling me about the rain particles & FarClp 3500.00)
Rockstar (For making such un-optimized game)
The Lost and Damned Unlocked, No scripts, but bikes, & textures!
by Indi. from GTAforums.com
Public BETA Release (Alternatively Version 1)
Makes Niko as Johnny (Biker Jacket replaces the Sand Jacket in the Russian Shop, Johnny's
Jeans are replaced with the Jeans from the Russian Shop, and also Johnny's Leather Jacket
will be replaced by the Biker Jacket that you got from Gerry McReary's mission)
Johnny's Leather Jacket (Replaces the Biker Jacket)
2 Sets of Fingerless Gloves are also included with this mod (2 sets are normal leather gloves and a very stylish Biker glove)
DLC Bikes (Names as follows: Angel, Deamon, Diablous, Hexer, Lycan, Nightblade, Revenant,
100% Complete Save Game
DLC Weapon Icons (Pistol, Uzi, Grenade, AK47)
New Weapon Textures
New Loading Screen (They are crap but it'll do for now, because my photoshop isn't as good)
I'll clean the topic up when I'm finished, just gotta do the Weapon textres and it's done. Screens are coming soon
pinky (data folder and Spawn locations Info)
aru (SparkIV)
blazer30uk (Finding/unlocking the DLC Bikes)
Simkas (Johnny Klebitz)
NOTE: That some of the DLC files were actually left over and were accidentally left in IV PC, I suppose that it would be possible to get them, so I put my head to it and got it, but... the leather jacket, 1 of the fingerless gloves and weapon textures were made by me. Yes, I did get permission from the people that are all up above!
备份你GTA4安装路径下的\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\pc\models\cdimages文件夹,这里面包含了你可能会改动的包括人物贴图,物体贴图,建模,素材等等原始材料,总共大概750多MB.如果你只需要修改主角的服装和头盔的话,你也可以只备份cdimages文件夹下的pedprops.img和playerped.rpf两个文件.但这些都是建议,出了纰漏还是该你自己负责哈哈!
这个窗口就是以Edit编辑模式进来的窗口,黄色标记的地方为几个重要地方,一个是Import Texture导入素材,一个是Save and Close,另外三个就是主角会随机用到的三个不同颜色的头盔了(我的都是黑色,是因为我已经修改过了,原始的将会是黑色,蓝色和白色).
注意,三个头盔主角将会随机使用,所以如果希望自定三种颜色,你就需要修改三套头盔,如果只希望用到一种比如黑色,你可以修改三个以黑色为基调的图案然后分别导入和保存.更容易点,如果你懒得修改,你可以直接导出第一种黑色的素材,使用Export Texture,然后保存在随便那个地方,再选择其他头盔Import Texture,然后Save & Close即可!(红黄线即为导入和导出大概形式)
另外,完成颜色花色的修改后,记住依旧保存为PNG格式的图片,再用Spark打开pedprops,找到player_p.wtd,找到你想要更换的头盔,选择Import Texture,导入这个PNG,最后Save&Close,然后逐步关闭Spark,进游戏.我常常出现修改完后,一时兴奋,都没用Spark替换就进了游戏,这个过程啊,折磨...
Ghost Rider - Rebirth
离上次登文过了好久了,并不是我不记得写,而是忙着研究一个很有意思的东西,我所惊叹的游戏,GTA4,激发了我的导演梦想,其内置的Video Editor,具备强大的拍摄和制作能力,基本上,一部动作片所需要的拍摄角度,风格滤镜,速度曲线,VE都可以做到,演员也是现成的.玩要玩出范儿,打穿关可不算,有本事跟我一样拍个电影试试?